~~Figma Drossel~~


Most recent Figma that i bought from play-asia. Drossel are from the anime fireball, the production of the anime are related to Disny Channel Japan. She’s quite unique in away.. ~~


Got really intresting figure & u can say cute.. or something..


The figma come with her flight unit and her headphone unit? i’m not quite sure what the other one is…~~~ + her book~~


Drossel with her flight unit.. quite nice ^^


In her head phone~~ hmm,… does she had any similarity to miki mouse??

here’s some video from youtube bout fireball, quite funny ^^

Anyone thinking of getting one?

Source of image from Akibahobby, they also did a review bout it ^^

2 thoughts on “~~Figma Drossel~~

  1. Pingback: July Loot~~ ^__^ « Baka Steam

  2. Pingback: Fireball Drossel « Meimi132 no Itonami

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